Contact us.
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We’d love to read your story, see your art, hear your ideas, etc. We know, bicycles can be political, they can stir up a lot of emotions, but life is already fucking heavy, especially right now. We’re looking for submissions on the lighter side of things. Funny, witty, sarcastic, dirty, gritty, grungy. Inspirational, adorable, makes you wanna hug and kiss the next person you see. Bicycles are what makes our days better and your story/art (hopefully) should do the same. Keep it short, use bad words, if you need to include politics, make it funny. Politicians should be made fun of. That’s what they’re here for. But try to be as kind as possible to everyone and everything else.
All advertising profits go to run this zine and to Bike Durango, an advocacy and educational organization for bicycle commuting in and around Durango.
Visit for more information and email for a media kit for the zine.
The zine is free right now, but ink is expensive, and time is money. Please consider donating to the zine. All funds go directly to the operations of the zine AND Bike Durango).
Thank you!
Bike Durango is an advocacy and educational organization in Durango, CO. Our goal is to get more people on bikes and less people driving cars. Learn more at